Polyhedral study of the Symmetrically Weighted Matrix Knapsack problem
Alexandre Heintzmann  1@  , Cécile Rottner  2@  , Pascale Bendotti  3, 4@  
EDF Recherche et Développement
2 : EDF Labs
EDF Recherche et Développement
3 : EDF R&D
EDF Recherche et Développement
4 : Sorbonne Université, CNRS, LIP6
Sorbonne Université, CNRS, LIP6

The Symmetrically Weighted Matrix Knapsack problem (SWMK) is a knapsack with M groups of N ordered items. Precedence constraints are such that an item can only be selected in a feasible solution if the previous one in the same group is selected. Item i of any group has the same weight, thus the knapsack being symmetrically weighted.
With the use of a structure called Patterns, necessary and sufficient conditions, that can be verified in polynomial time, are described for a set of facet defining inequalities for the SWMK.
More recent work aim to generelize these conditions to a larger set of facet defining inequalities.

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