The Constrained-Routing and Spectrum Assignment Problem: Valid Inequalities and Branch-and-Cut Algorithm.
Ibrahima Diarrassouba  1, *@  , Youssouf Hadhbi  2, *@  
1 : Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées du Havre LMAH
Université Le Havre Normandie, France.
FR CNRS−3335, 76600 Le Havre -  France
2 : Laboratoire dÍnformatique, de Modélisation et dÓptimisation des Systèmes LIMOS
Université Clermont Auvergne, CNRS
1 Rue de la Chebarde, Aubiere, 63178 Clermont Ferrand -  France
* : Corresponding author

In this paper, we study a variant of the Routing and Spectrum Assignment problem (RSA), namely the Constrained-Routing and Spectrum Assignment (C-RSA). First, we give an integer linear programming based on the so-called cut formulation. Moreover, we investigate the related polyhedron and describe several valid inequalities. We also prove that these inequalities are facet-defining for the polyhedron under some necessary and sufficient conditions. In addition, we devise separation routines for these inequalities. Based on this, we propose a Branch-and-Cut algorithm for the problem along with an extensive computational study showing the effectiveness of our approach.

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